9 нови бесплатни FIP вебинари

1) What you need to know about the FIP Pharmaceutical Workforce Development Goals (11 Април)
2) Roles of Pharmacists in Humanitarian Settings (16 Април)
3) Nanomedicines are different. But why? Part 1 (25 Април)
4) Islam and Healthcare Needs for the Muslim Patient (26 Април)
5) Vacinação e atuação dos farmacêuticos em Portugal, Inglaterra e Austrália: compartilhando responsabilidades sobre as necessidades de saúde (27 Април)
6) Working towards better pain management (7 Мај) / Hacia un mejor control del dolor (9 Мај)
7) Do it right for your patient: advantages and considerations associated with nanomedicines. Part 2 (1 Јуни)
8) Better pharmacists, better adherence (11 Јуни) / Farmacéuticos progresando, mejor adherencia (13 Јуни)
9) Challenges of nanomedicine follow-on products: from regulatory to formulary selection. Part 3 (датумот дополнително ќе се утврди)

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